Over 1000 farmers, who currently work with Hudisa take utmost care of the fruit that we will later process. That is because only the best raw materials can give the best results. Throughout the production process, our team of agronomists carry out the necessary monitoring and control to ensure that a magnificent harvest is obtained.

The cooperatives that make up Hudisa are based on the work of families who, for generations, have worked on the land and who know perfectly well the conditions necessary to obtain the best fruit.

All our suppliers have a Global G.A.P. Certification, which guarantees food safety, environmental impact as well as workers’ health, safety and well-being. Our work is based on experience and the rigour of the farmers that have been part of Hudisa since its conception.


At Hudisa we have collaboration agreements with technology centres too, in order to find improvements in product conservation and the creation of new products. As well as investing in updating facilities and machinery, the company also invests in our human resources, offering continuous training and promoting internal promotion. We also work on reducing the impact of our activity on nature and our environment: our activity is based on sustainable agricultural practices, so we must protect our farmers and their land.


Our corporate philosophy is based on clear aims, which are to preserve the natural quality of the fruit throughout the whole process, to guarantee quality control and food safety at all stages and to meet our customers’ expectations and satisfy their needs.


As a measure to guarantee quality, products and services, Hudisa has created its own system that ensures that less than 24 hours go by from the time when the product is harvested in the field until the moment when it enters our facilities, thus ensuring the organoleptic qualities of the raw material.During this period of time, and after a rigorous quality control, we guarantee that only healthy fruit with optimum ripeness is received in the process, avoiding white fruit that is not ripe enough, as well as leaves, stalks and foreign bodies, as well as maintaining the absence of rot and infections.

In this way the quantity, quality and other characteristics can be checked to ensure that they correspond with the stipulated quality standard.
The proximity of the farming areas to the processing plant also mean that the fruit arrives in optimal conditions.