SMETA is the world’s most widely used social audit, which enables companies to self-assess themselves on an ethical level, and also to assess their Suppliers. It is the way to ensure that all actors involved in the industrial process are fair and socially responsible. All companies publish the results of their social responsibility audit in a database accessible only to members of SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange), a non-profit organisation that supports companies committed to the continuous improvement of ethical performance.

The SMETA audit methodology works on four main pillars: health and safety, labour standards, environment, and business ethics. The ETI (Ethical Trading Initiative) code and local laws are used for the assessment. Hudisa has decided to be audited in all four pillars.

In addition to the aspects of social and environmental responsibility, freedom of association, and the right to collective bargaining in the labour sphere, the payment of a minimum wage, non-discrimination, and safe, healthy, and hygienic working conditions, among others, are also assessed.

For Hudisa, exceeding this audit means an improvement in the corporate image and the perception of the company by customers, suppliers, employees, and collaborators. In this way, Hudisa’s efforts in CSR, ethical commitment, social justice, equality, and inclusion are made visible. This is another important element to strengthen Hudisa’s brand image, one of the main reasons why companies opt for this audit.

SMETA also allows us to get to know our suppliers better, to be certain that they comply with the ethical requirements expected of them, and to highlight those aspects that need to be improved.

It should be considered that the existing production model did not value the impact of industrial activities on the environment, hence the importance of passing an audit of this nature. For Hudisa, passing this audit means an improvement in the corporate image and the perception of the company by clients, suppliers, employees, and collaborators.


Hudisa started its activity in 2002 and is located in the heart of the province of Huelva. Hudisa is the result of the effort, the business vision, and the future of the 19 most important berry-producing cooperatives, vertically integrated in the processing of industrial fruit.

Hudisa processes and markets strawberry, raspberry, blackberry, and blueberry purees, concentrates, and frozen fruit from the province of Huelva, the largest berry-producing area in Europe. It works in three different product lines: Conventional, Babyfood, and Organic. Hudisa is currently the leading company in southern Europe in terms of the quantity of processed red fruits with a production potential of more than 20 million kilos/year and a daily capacity of 350,000 Kg. It is present in more than 30 countries and on 5 continents.